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 Dowload Evrything widh mIRC!

Shko poshtë 

Numri i postimeve : 50
Join date : 20/10/2008

Dowload Evrything widh mIRC! Empty
MesazhTitulli: Dowload Evrything widh mIRC!   Dowload Evrything widh mIRC! Icon_minitimeSat Oct 25, 2008 7:52 pm

First of all download mirc from


Then when youve downloaded mIRC open it.

1)Normally a windows pop's up named mIRC option ( if not Click on Tools>Options)
2)Click On DCC: On send request > Auto Get file and if file exists >Resume on chat request > Auto-accept
3)Click on Folders (it's in the menu when you slide open DCC).
Then you click add and youn add the following line
just type in all the extensions you woant to download later seperated by a ","
and you click ok.
4) Click on ignore Method > Disabled and the "v" at the bottom should be removed.

After youve done that youre mIRC is ready to be used for downloading appz,movies,games,music,...
CLick on one of the numbers as explained in the pictures.
After done that your mIrc opens and you can chose 3things. Choose to pen a new connection and Click Ok
After your computer has connected with the channel(There have to be 2windows that were openend in mIRC) press ctrl v and the computer should past something in the chat bar then press enter and wait for your download to begin
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Dowload Evrything widh mIRC!
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